Rules of
Consent Contact
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A parent or guardian must complete this form for people under 18 years.

This form is to request for your permission to use all written materials, video footage, audio recording and photographs taken for and by Rules of Engagement (either by Rules of Engagement staff or external organisations contracted by the Rules of Engagement project).It includes:

  • all footage taken of you, including rushes (footage that is taken but is not included in a final video);
  • all sound recording taken of you;
  • any still images taken from the video;
  • any quotes (written quotes taken from what you have said during the filming); and
  • any photographs taken of you.

By submitting this form I give my permission for Rules of Engagement to use any footage and photographs if they decide to do so.

I understand that footage and photographs may be used at different times and that I will not be contacted each time.

I also give permission that any video footage may be edited or altered to be used in other videos and the final decision with the editing rests with the Rules of Engagement team.

I am aware that any footage, photographs or stories shared via social media could be shared further through external websites and digital platforms including national and international broadcasting and media outlets both print and online.

I also give permission for any photographs/videos that I have supplied to Rules of Engagement myself, to be used as above.

Some of the ways footage or photographs might be used include:

  • on the Rules of Engagement website
  • on social media (Facebook and Twitter for example)
  • video-hosting platforms (YouTube and Vimeo for example)
  • in other Rules of Engagement information or campaign DVDs
  • use by third party companies directly involved in the Rules of Engagement project
  • in Rules of Engagement publications (leaflets, posters, training materials or presentations)
  • for broadcast (tv, radio, podcast)
  • any other appropriate use

If you as a participant are under 18, please confirm you have parental consent by entering their email above.

I have read and understand what I am consenting to.